Wednesday, May 13, 2009

What Is Work/Life Balance?

Our power went out yesterday. So business as usual wasn't... Our older daughter took the five-year old, Fiona, to the park. I went to the Placer Women's Network luncheon. And by the time I got home power was back up. Even then, it wasn't business as usual.

Fiona still wanted my attention. So instead of staying buried behind my computer screen, I took her outside so she could play while I caught up on some writing (including writing this blog post). Fiona decided to look for some 'interesting things' because, as she put it, "she's surely curious"!

My daughter was happy that I was spending time with her, answering her constant questions. And I was happy to be outside on a beautiful, sunny day with a nice breeze. And I was still able to get some work done.

Now that's work/life balance!

Now I just need to be able to do this in Ireland!

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