Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Walk the Talk Tidbits

The mission at is to provide you and your organization with high-impact resources for your personal and professional success.

I have a booklet called "144 Ways to Walk the Talk" and I'll be sharing tidbits from it now and then. On page five of the booklet, item #19 is "Deliver what the customer actually wants rather than what you think they ought to have. If you're not sure what they want, ask!"

One way to find out what your customers want is to use a simple survey to find out. A great online survey tool can be found at Survey Monkey.

What do your customers want?


Anonymous said...

Hey Awesome Assistant! Glad you are finding good things in our 144 Ways book. I am with and look forward to watching your company grow! I will look for you on Twitter. Kelley @kelleymoore

Anonymous said...

You should try Zoomerang for online surveys. They offer more options with their free acoount, and their subscription rates are a bit lower, they even have discounts for non-profits and educators (I save 25% with my discount). I have been using them for about 7 years, the first couple of years I used a free account and have since upgraded to a paid account, and I have never had any issues with the service at all. I have tried free accounts with SurveyMonkey along with a few others when they first launched, but I keep sticking with Zommerang which has my highest recommendation for free survey sites!